In 1984 Keyvan began the restoration, rehabilitation and interior architecture of an apartment once owned by George Sand at 31 Rue de Seine in Paris. This was his first interior architecture project since his exile in 1978, it was published in ELLE Magazine No.2412 of March 23, 1992 and Journal de la Maison No.233,December 1989/January 1990.
Other interior architecture projects include Mr. & Mrs. Cramer’s flat in Geneva, the Cramer villas in Vandoevres and Corsier, Mr. Roberto Fichera’s flat in Rome and a friend’s apartment in Paris.
M. Fichera’s flat in Rome not far from Colosseum is a charming apartment decorated with a refined taste.
Keyvan gives all credits to his friend Mr. Roberto Fichera, a famous fashion designer possessing this superb collection of antic objects and bibelots of refined taste.
In Paris, Keyvan restored and decorated for a friend with his famous good taste, an appatment which is the typical reunification of multiple made’s rooms (chambre de bonne).
Keyvan designed a studio with a little garden in Cannes in 1971 using fabrics printed with wood blocs of Ghalamkar of Esfahan the way he innovates as seen here with patterns never done before in this style.
Keyvan while studying restoration of ancient monuments in the faculty of architecture of Rome in 1965 rents a little depot in total ruin and restores it and keeps till 2005. The view towards San Eustachio, Palazzo Madama, Sapienza of Boromini and the dome of Sant Ingnazio as a breathtaking collection of masterpieces of Italian architecture was Keyvan’s refuge for forty years specially when he could not stand being longer than few months in Iran.
Undoubtedly Keyvan’s most important project remains lighting for the first time the ruins of Persepolis and Hafezieh for the inauguration of Shiraz art festival in 1967. As he was called only two weeks ahead he did not have any other choice than using the studio projectors not adapted for outdoor lighting, but it did not rain and he achieved his goal. He used over 800 flames lined over the walls, paths and around the mausoleum of Hafez during the festival, which remained as a breathtaking image every year for thirteen years. Unfortunately we possess only one image!
While studying in Rome he designed architectural lighting shades and they were exhibited in a famous decorative art gallery in Rome in 1965.
The lighting of UNESCO’s audithorium, Keyvan’s favorite design of Piere-Luigi Nervi, was his gift to M. Jalali, the chief of iranian delegation for his fairwell ceremony in 2006.