Keyvan Khosrovani’s projects represent a commitment to the fundamental principles of Iranian architecture based on respect for tradition, for innovation and for continuity leaving what he hopes is a long and lasting legacy. In each case his priority has been towards quality rather than quantity.
Undoubtedly Keyvan’s most successful project remains Mehmansaray Nayin, an inn he designed for the ministry of tourism in the historic city of Nayin, in the province of Esfahan, located on the main highway between Esfahan and Yazd. Inspired by local traditional architecture, economically built by local craftsmen, it is a building with built in earthquake proof construction using new construction methods that are also environmentally friendly. After many years of continued use his Nayin inn has become a manifesto for the adaptation of Persian architecture for modern usage.
The library for Kanoon Parvaresh Fekri Koodakan va Nojavanan was his gift to the slum dwellers of Gowd-Zanboorak Khaneh. This second floor was added to this project after the revolution with iron beams to reinforce the structure, but the added floor respects the original design. It is a library with almost no windows as it meant to be used for the projection of educational films of Kanoon. Refusing to become part of the Plan Organisation’s list of designated professionals, Keyvan’s designs for state sponsored projects were his attempt to deliver a simple message to the society he judged as outrageously megalomaniac. Surprisingly enough after more than forty years he continues to receive recognition for his few projects.
The private residence he built for the Khosrovani family in Shemiran has unfortunately been demolished. It was another example of architecture suited to the climate and environmental conditions of Iran. Equally important it was a house that paid particular attention to the way people live.